I haven't met a new favorite book in a long, long while. Also, this right here is the point where I just almost missed a meeting because I forgot that meetings still exist: "He feels like he is missing something very obvious."

Can't wait to read it again in print! I'm about to tell everyone I know to buy a copy. Thanks, James!

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I'm only disappointed that MIR is over already!

I have to admit that my initial reaction to the last instalment was a bit 'oh, is that it?'. I felt let down. On second and third readings, I was delighted. I think I must have been only partly attentive the first time around.

A lot going on at the end, and an excellent out for the small group of friends who were a tad trapped. And then they weren't. 👏😁

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Caz, I so appreciate the honest here, truly. The story reaches a very subtle climax, I think, and it’s much more emotional than plot-driven, which was definitely an intentional choice I made but I don’t think I quite realized the risk I’d taken, that it simply might not translate or hit home. I’m so glad you gave it some time to simmer and it didn’t let you down in the end. Your kind words mean so much to me, thank you for taking the time to read and engage and comment, I really appreciate it. (:

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The shift to exposition and the change in tone threw me off the first time around.

The slow unfurling of an end of world scenario, along with a happy-ish ending for our young group of friends, was both subtle and clever. Not loud, not shouted. Quietly dystopian.

The last scenes bought to mind packing up a film set and using the packing up as the final scene. I liked that.

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Three cheers for MIR!!!! Its been so sick to read in realish time!!!

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👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I know this is corny but I want you to know how fucking good this all was. Bra-fucking-vo James!!

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